You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
2 Corinthians 9:11

Our Goal
We want to partner with the work that Jesus is doing in Ottawa and in our neighbourhoods. Every dollar that you give helps us love our neighbour and further our mission. We give not just out of duty or because it seems like the right thing to do but because we want to be marked with radical generosity. It is our hope that 10% of every dollar given goes back to supporting justice and ministry initiatives locally and globally.
*All funds given to Bytown Community Church are given through and governed by The Gathering Ottawa (our sending church).*
Ways to Give
Donate via E-Transfer at (no password needed).
*Note: If you are a first time donor, please put your contact information in the message section, so that we are able to send you a charitable gift receipt.
Cheque and cash donations can be sent in the mail to PO Box 82013 Riverside South RPO Gloucester ON K1V 2N9
Cheques made out to "The Gathering Ottawa". Specify "Bytown Community Church" on the memo line.
Direct Withdrawal
For those who would like to give automatically each month through direct debit, click here to download the form. Completed forms can be returned to (Specify that it is for "Bytown Community Church")